Wednesday, December 12, 2007
About Me
- Name: Vicki's Vegan Vice
- Location: Boise, Idaho, United States
What you're seeing here is my obsession with veganism. Vegan is my vice. It's something that takes my attention, focus, energy, and money. Add to that my concern for the environment and what the world will be like for our children if we continue on this path. I've been happily married for 17 years, a proud parent and stay@home mom of 2 girls, and our family is rounded out by one good dog. After being vegetarian for 17 years, through blogging I've discovered the world of vegan cooking and enjoying the challenge of becoming vegan. I'm a teacher, homemaker, friend who likes exercise, nature, and all things creative. We are degrading the Earth with our massive consumption and throw-away mentality and jeopardizing the quality for all life on Earth. Together we can make a difference - and it can be as simple as changing what we eat! Peace.
Previous Posts
- Junk the junk mail
- Idaho Global Warming Forum:
- Dalai Lama makes case for animal rights at Irwin's...
- Experts say global warming is hitting West hard
- U.S. cuts efforts to monitor global warming from s...
- United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ...
- San Francisco bans plastic bags!!
- The Poop on Poop -- What do you think?
- Mayor's Climate Pact
- Pat on the Back for Lucy's (& like-minded coffee s...
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